Chrome bathroom fittings instantly add class to one’s home – until they begin to get dirty. To help you clean them with ease, we’ve put together a fool-proof, two step guide.

Step 1: Ventilate Your Bathroom

So many issues faced with restrooms –rusting, bad smells, dampness and humidity – can be solved with good ventilation. Two ways to ventilate your bathroom are:

  • Exhaust fans:

    Install an exhaust fan near the shower. It should divert the moisture from your bathroom to open space outside your house. To help remove humidity and dry your fittings after showers or cleaning, let the fan run for 5-10 minutes.
  • Bathroom windows:

    Keeping a bathroom window open after showers for 15 minutes helps remove the moisture that could lead to rust. If you don’t have a bathroom window, or feel like it affects your privacy, open your bathroom door after a shower.

Step 2: Clean Your Chrome Fittings

A few simple actions after a bath could make the monthly cleaning of your fittings easy to do.  Here are some steps to rust-free, sparkling fittings:

  • Drying your fittings:

    After every shower and hand wash, use dry towel to wipe the water off the fittings. Keeping them dry makes them rust slower.
  • Clean the fittings every week with a simple cleanse:

    Use a mild cleaner or dish-soap mixed with warm water. Using a wash cloth, clean the chrome and rinse off after 30 seconds. If there are still stains on some parts of the fittings, apply the cleaner on those spots for a longer time. Finish by patting the surface dry with dry microfibre cloth.
  • Deep cleanse:

    This requires the following products – a calcium-deposit remover, chrome polish and wax paper. You can make a calcium deposit remover by making a 1:1 mix of water and vinegar. Chrome polish and wax paper can be bought at any hardware store.

Dip a wash cloth into the vinegar mixture and rub it on calcium-deposits. Leave it on for a few minutes then rinse off with water. Pat dry and follow the instructions that come with your chrome polish to polish the fittings.

Finally, use wax paper on the dried fittings to give it an extra shine and prevent rust or dirt from forming. It’s best to do a deep cleanse once a month.

There you have it! A fool-proof guide to keeping your elegant chrome fittings clean.